Effortlessly learn to recognise the species that grow around you, and remember what you learn forever... guaranteed!
Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) and Common Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) are two members of the carrot family (Apiaceae) that share some similarities in appearance. However, they differ significantly in size, ecological impact, and potential health hazards. They are very easy to tell apart, but many novices mistake Common Hogweed for Giant Hogweed and are unnecessarily wary of it.
Common Hogweed is a very tasty wild vegetable which is one of the best plants to learn to forage, given its abundance and excellent nutritional profile.
This article provides an in-depth comparison of these two species to help readers identify and understand their unique characteristics.
Size and StatureGiant Hogweed:
Common Hogweed:
LeavesGiant Hogweed:
Common Hogweed:
StemsGiant Hogweed:
Common Hogweed:
FlowersGiant Hogweed:
Common Hogweed:
Toxicity and Health HazardsGiant Hogweed:
Common Hogweed:
Ecological ImpactGiant Hogweed:
Common Hogweed
While Giant Hogweed and Common Hogweed share some similarities in appearance, they are easy to tell apart once you've got your eye in.
Learning to effortlessly recognise the native species of your surrounding environment is one of the most rewarding things you will do in your lifetime. Being able to name the plants and other living things you see around you is the first step to becoming knowledgeable about and feeling an intimate connection with nature.
Unlike guidebooks or other methods of study, our flashcard sets are designed to guarantee that you acquire and retain the ability to recognise and name the species that you see around you in the most efficient way possible.
There is no other way to learn to recognise the native species so effectively or in so little time.
I've never been able to remember the names of plants and flowers despite owning many guidebooks. With the UK Wildflower course, learning and actually remembering them was incredibly easy!
Such an effective way of learning! I highly recommend this for anyone looking to master wildflower identification quickly. A very satisfying experience!
Instructions were really easy to follow. I'm only 9 days in and already I can recognise every single flower I see on my weekend hikes.
Thanks for the incredible resource! I'm amazed at how many plants I've learned in next to no time, and it was completely effortless. Very cool course.
Dara Javan,
Hi, I'm Dara. I created wildflowercourses.com because I believe that everyone should be able to recognise the plants that grow around them, and that learning to do so should be easy. I also believe that experiencing the power of spaced repetition learning techniques can renew anyone's faith in their ability to learn.
I grew up in Purbeck, in Dorset, close to the most biodiverse square mile in the UK. Both my mum and stepdad worked for Natural England until their retirement and they filled me with a love for nature and for plants. I studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, which included plant sciences, ecology, and evolution. I now work for a sustainability education start-up.
I live in Dorset with my fiancee and our twin baby boys.