Effortlessly learn to recognise the species that grow around you, and remember what you learn forever... guaranteed!
Welcome to our uniquely effective digital course for learning the wildflowers of the UK and Ireland!
Are you tired of trying to learn the names of wildflowers, only to forget them shortly after? Have you been referring to books and apps for years to try to attain the ability to recognise wild plants, only to find that your recognition abilities barely improve over time, or even get worse?
Our course offers a unique solution, we use a scientifically proven learning method - spaced repetition - to guarantee that you easily learn and retain all the information, and clever software that makes the process incredibly easy and efficient, allowing you to master common plant recognition in a matter of days.
Our course covers 204 of the most common wildflowers found in the British Isles, and you'll be astonished at how quickly you'll gain the skill to identify them all. Whether you're a beginner or a long-time wildflower enthusiast, our course will give you the impressive and reliable wildflower knowledge that you crave.
With this digital course, you'll have access to a carefully curated set of digital flashcards that allow you to focus on the habitats that you’re most interested in first. The smart software will pick up on what you already know and what you need to learn better, and will reinforce information when you’re about to forget it - ensuring efficient knowledge acquisition and retention.
Taking the very little time required to learn these wildflowers will pay you back for a lifetime. Every time you walk outside you will see one or more of these plants, and they'll become like familiar friends as you observe them through the seasons. Learning these wildflowers will also lay a great foundation of a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world around you.
Delivery method
Digital learning utilising a smart spaced repetition system - on computer or phone - online or offline. Studying on iphones required an additional app purchase, but no additional purchase is necessary to study on desktop/laptop or an android phone.
Spaced repetition is a learning technique that involves revising information at increasing intervals of time in order to improve long-term memory retention. The idea behind spaced repetition is that by revisiting information at specific intervals, we can strengthen our neural connections and better retain the information in our memory.
The intervals between revisions are based on a proven model of how we forget information over time. We are most likely to forget information soon after learning it, but the pace of forgetting slows down over time.
With spaced repetition, we revise information at increasingly longer intervals, starting with more frequent revisions and gradually spreading them out over time. This helps us to consolidate the information in our memory and retain it for longer periods of time.
Spaced repetition is an incredibly powerful learning technique that has been shown to be effective for a wide range of subjects, from language learning to studying for medical exams. It is particularly useful for learning large amounts of information, as it helps to optimise our study time and maximise our retention of the material.
Spaced repetition may sound complicated, but the software our course uses makes it incredibly simple (and fun) to apply. All you need to do is follow the simple prompts on screen.
Learning to identify wildflowers is a great way to deepen your connection with the natural world and appreciate the beauty of the environment around you. Here are some reasons why it's a good idea to learn to identify wildflowers:
Overall, learning to identify wildflowers is a wonderful way to connect with nature, learn about local ecosystems, and foster a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world.
Any computer/laptop running MacOS, Windows, or Linux
Studying on your phone is also possible, with the use of an additional app. This app is totally free on Android, but costs an extra $25 on iOS. Instructions are included in the accompanying course ebook.
Not at all! You can get learning in a few minutes, although we recommend reading the accompanying PDF course guide before starting the course.
The default settings of this course allow you to learn all 204 plants in just 5 minutes study each day for just over a month, learning 6 new plants each day. Slow and steady is ideal. However, if you want to learn faster than this, you can adjust the settings easily, and could potentially learn all 204 flowers in about a week or even less!
After you have done the initial learning of the plants, if you want to remember them, you will need to regularly review the material. The software will organise this for you, giving you a list each day of plants which you need to review. Each time you review a plant, your memory will be strengthened, and the time before the next review is required will increase. This means that the number of reviews you need to do each day will reduce over time. After a few months you’ll need just a few minutes each week to review all the material and ensure the knowledge is retained.
You will receive a set of 204 digital flashcards categorised by habitat type and an accompanying ebook. The flashcards can be studied using a piece of simple software which you will have to download (a very simple process). Instructions for how to do this are contained with the accompanying ebook.
Other methods, such as books, apps, and in-person courses, may take years to get you to the same point that this course will get you to in 5 minutes study per day for one month!
Why? Those methods do not allow you to utilise the most powerful scientifically proven learning technique - spaced repetition. Without this method, which you will learn all about while using this course, there is no guarantee that knowledge will stick - in fact, it's guaranteed that a good amount of it will not stick, leaving you with, at best, a hazy and unreliable ability to recognise wild plants. Following the spaced repetition method, which the software used by this course makes stupidly easy, you can guarantee that you will learn and be able to recall every piece of information contained within this course.
The course is divided into the following habitats. You can start with whichever one you like.
You will effortlessly learn to recognise the following 204 plants!
Sea Thrift
Sea Campion
Sea Kale
Rock Samphire
Wild Garlic
Dog's Mercury
Early Purple Orchid
Enchanter's Nightshade
Common Foxglove
Herb Robert
Lesser Celandine
Lily of the Valley
Red Campion
Common Dog Violet
Wood Anemone
Traveller's Joy
Cuckoo Flower
Oxeye Daisy
Sea Holly
Sea Lavender
Sea Pea
Sea Beet
Sea Bindweed
Hedge Bindweed
Field Bindweed
Sea Buckthorn
Wild Carrot
Common Hogweed
Cow Parsley
Garlic Mustard
Hedge Bedstraw
Greater Knapweed
Common Knapweed
St. John's Wort
Hemlock Water Dropwort
Marsh Marigold
Water Mint
Three Cornered Leek
Greater Stitchwort
Dog Rose
Rosebay Willowherb
Hedge Woundwort
Tufted Vetch
Greater Burdock
Green Alkanet
Wild Strawberry
Wood Avens
Common Toadflax
Wood Sorrel
Lords and Ladies
Lady's Bedstraw
Common Bulrush
Branched Bur-reed
Water Crowfoot
Pyramidal Orchid
Field Scabious
Kidney Vetch
Common Eyebright
Wild Thyme
Yellow Flag Iris
Common Spotted Orchid
Great Mullein
Evening Primrose
Bog Pondweed
Flowering Rush
Compact Rush
Lesser Spearwort
Greater Celandine
Wild Parsnip
Carline Thistle
Spear Thistle
Marsh Thistle
Horseshoe Vetch
Common Restharrow
Dyer's greenweed
Bog Asphodel
Snake's-head fritillary
Red Bartsia
Himalayan Balsam
Hemp Agrimony
Ivy-leaved Toadflax
Colt's Foot
Devil's-bit scabious
Red Valerian
Ribwort Plantain
Water figwort
Trailing Bellflower
Common Mallow
Sea Purslane
Common Agrimony
Ground Elder
Viper's Bugloss
Wood forget-me-not
Marsh gentian
Wood Sage
Red Dead Nettle
White Dead Nettle
Ground Ivy
Yellow Archangel
Wild Marjoram
Scarlet Pimpernel
Common Centaury
Common Heather
Bell Heather
Creeping Jenny
Sea Spurge
Giant Hogweed
Purple Loosestrife
Biting Stonecrop
English Stonecrop
Red Clover
Hare's-foot clover
White Clover
Meadow Crane's-bill
Bloody Crane's-bill
Hairy Bittercress
Common Knotgrass
Common Sorrel
Common Bistort
Curled Dock
Broad Leaved Dock
Lesser Sea-Spurrey
Common Chickweed
Ragged Robin
Field Pansy
Round-leaved Sundew
Yellow Corydalis
Yellow Horned-Poppy
White Water Lily
Yellow Water Lily
Creeping Buttercup
Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage
Common Fleabane
Mexican Fleabane
Sea Aster
Golden Samphire
Creeping cinquefoil
Sea Sandwort
Buck's Horn Plantain
Common Broom
Cross-leaved Heath
Hottentot Fig
Bog Pimpernel
Common Broomrape
Strawberry Clover
Wood Vetch
Black Mustard
Lesser Swine-Cress
Guelder Rose
Greater periwinkle
Broadleaf Plantain
Fool's Watercress
Bog Myrtle
English Sundew
Oblong-leaved sundew
Learning to effortlessly recognise the native species of your surrounding environment is one of the most rewarding things you will do in your lifetime. Being able to name the plants and other living things you see around you is the first step to becoming knowledgeable about and feeling an intimate connection with nature.
Unlike guidebooks or other methods of study, our flashcard sets are designed to guarantee that you acquire and retain the ability to recognise and name the species that you see around you in the most efficient way possible.
There is no other way to learn to recognise the native species so effectively or in so little time.
I've never been able to remember the names of plants and flowers despite owning many guidebooks. With the UK Wildflower course, learning and actually remembering them was incredibly easy!
Such an effective way of learning! I highly recommend this for anyone looking to master wildflower identification quickly. A very satisfying experience!
Instructions were really easy to follow. I'm only 9 days in and already I can recognise every single flower I see on my weekend hikes.
Thanks for the incredible resource! I'm amazed at how many plants I've learned in next to no time, and it was completely effortless. Very cool course.
Dara Javan,
Hi, I'm Dara. I created wildflowercourses.com because I believe that everyone should be able to recognise the plants that grow around them, and that learning to do so should be easy. I also believe that experiencing the power of spaced repetition learning techniques can renew anyone's faith in their ability to learn.
I grew up in Purbeck, in Dorset, close to the most biodiverse square mile in the UK. Both my mum and stepdad worked for Natural England until their retirement and they filled me with a love for nature and for plants. I studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, which included plant sciences, ecology, and evolution. I now work for a sustainability education start-up.
I live in Dorset with my fiancee and our twin baby boys.